There are angels on the street

8 10 2012

Piao and I attended a music recital at EmilyMax Music shop and tea gallery at Chatswood recently one evening.  A lovely lady played on the guzheng.  Quite a few came too and we sat and enjoyed  hot cups of tea (Taiwan tea).  At the end of the evening I had given Eric the proprietor my business card and put my purse back into my handbag – without zipping it up properly.  We left the shop and just before crossing the street, I noticed a man and woman just walking to and getting into their car parked in front of where we were standing at the kerb.

We crossed the street and the man called out and I turned around.  He came across the street to me and asked’ “did you drop this?”  It was my purse and I did not even hear it fall to the ground!  I said “thank-you” to him many times and I came home that evening with such gladness and appreciation, faith and trust that there are still “strangers” out there amongst us who are like angels, coming to our assistance when one least expects it.  What a timing that he noticed my purse had just dropped near his car ….. Bless you stranger!



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